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Nano to Micro

Team Nano to Micro aims to develop self-assembled mechano-units on a microscale that can sense mechanical forces, transform mechanical signals into chemical or other physical signals, transmit signals between the units, or change their shape or properties in response to signals.

Major challenges in achieving this goal include

(1) programmable self-assembly of organic and inorganic nanomaterials,

(2) precise control over the sensitivity and speed of molecular responses,

(3) acceleration of the design process using simulation- and AI-driven approaches,

(4) mass production of self-assembled mechano-units.

Micro to Meso

Team Micro to Meso aims to develop intelligent unit cells that can interact with the environment on a mesoscale. Interaction can be enabled by changes in the geometrical and/or mechanical properties of each unit cell when it makes or loses contact with the environment or other unit cells.

Major challenges in achieving this goal include

(1) programmable self-assembly of mesoscale cells with integrated mechano-units,

(2) embedment of molecular computing that can process signals into the cell,

(3) precise control over the geometry and mechanical properties of unit cells,

(4) mass production of intelligent unit cells. 

Meso to Macro

Team Meso to Macro aims to develop a system of mesoscale unit cells with emergent dynamic behaviors on a macroscale. An emergent motion of a group of unit cells can be realized by designing the interaction between unit cells without controlling the motion of cells individually.

Major challenges in achieving this goal include

(1) understanding of the underlying physics for morphogenesis in nature,

(2) discovery of the interaction rules required for an emergent behavior,

(3) precise control of the external force field to provide kinetic energy to cells,

(4) establishment of the design principles for artificial morphogenesis. 

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